
Type: class

Servers are virtual machines that can be provisioned.



Parameter Type Description
name string The new name for the server

Returns: Promise<Server>

Change the name of the server.


Returns: Promise<Action>

Deletes the server.


Parameter Type Description
params Object Can be used for sorting

Returns: Promise<ServerActionList>

Get an action list for this specific server.


Parameter Type Description
id number The action id

Returns: Promise<Action>

Get a specific action for this server.


Returns: Promise<Action>

Power on a server.


Returns: Promise<Action>

Cuts power to the server. You may loose data by doing this.


Returns: Promise<Action>

Reboots a server gracefully by sending an ACPI request.


Returns: Promise<Action>

Same as #powerOff() but starts the server after powering off.


Returns: Promise<Action>

Shuts down a server gracefully by sending an ACPI shutdown request.


Returns: Promise<Object>

Tells the server to reset the root password.

Returned object

  "rootPassword": "ABC123",
  "action": // ... An Action instance

#enableRescue([type[, sshKeys]])

Parameter Type Description
type string Can be linux64, linux32 or freebsd64 (default: linux64)
sshKeys Array An array of numbers, strings or SSHKeys

Returns: Promise<Object>

Enables rescue mode.

Returned object

  "rootPassword": "ABC123",
  "action": // ... An Action instance


Returns: Promise<Action>

Disable rescue mode.

#createImage([type[, description]])

Parameter Type Description
type string Can be snapshot or backup
description string The description for the new image

Returns: Promise<Object>

Creates a new image.

Returned object

  "image": // ... An Image instance
  "action": // ... An Action instance


Parameter Type Description
image number, string or Image The image the server will be rebuilt from

Returns: Promise<Action>

Rebuild the server from an image.

#changeType(type[, upgradeDisk])

Parameter Type Description
type number, string or ServerType ID, name or ServerType the server should migrate to
upgradeDisk boolean Does not upgrade the disk if false

Returns: Promise<Action>

Changes the server type.


Parameter Type Description
backupWindow string UTC time window: 22-02, 02-06, 06-10, 10-14, 14-18 or 18-22

Returns: Promise<Action>

Enables backups for this server.


Returns: Promise<Action>

Disables backups for this server.


Parameter Type Description
iso number, string or ISO ISO to be attached to the server

Returns: Promise<Action>

Attaches an ISO.


Returns: Promise<Action>

Detach any attached ISO.


Parameter Type Description
data Object See below.

Returns: Promise<Action>

Data object

    "delete": // If true, prevents the server from being deleted
    "rebuild": // If true, prevents the server from being rebuilt


Returns: Promise<Object>

Requests access to the console via VNC.

Returned object

  wssUrl: "wss://...", // Secure websocket URL
  password: "...", // VNC password
  action: // An instance of Action



Type: number


Type: string


Type: string

Will be either running, initializing, starting, stopping, off, deleting, migrating, rebuilding or unknown.


Type: Date


Type: PublicNetwork


Type: ServerType


Type: Datacenter


Type: Image or null


Type: ISO or null


Type: boolean


Type: boolean


Type: string or null


Type: Traffic


Type: string or null

This variable is only set when creating a server.


Type: Object

Protection configuration for the server.