
A utility class to easily create new servers by chaining functions.



Parameter Type Description
value string A name for the new server

Returns: ServerBuilder


Parameter Type Description
value number, string or ServerType May be an ID, a name or the ServerType instance itself.

Returns: ServerBuilder


Parameter Type Description
value number, string or Datacenter May be an ID, a name or the Datacenter instance itself.

Returns: ServerBuilder


Parameter Type Description
value number, string or Location May be an ID, a name or the Location instance itself.

Returns: ServerBuilder

Sets the location where the server will be created. If a datacenter has not been specified, a random one in this location will be chosen by Hetzner.


Parameter Type Description
value boolean Start Server right after creation. Defaults to true.

Returns: ServerBuilder


Parameter Type Description
value number, string or Image May be an ID, a name or the Image instance itself.

Returns: ServerBuilder

Sets the image from which the server will be created from.


Parameter Type Description
value number, string or SSHKey May be an ID, a name or the SSHKey instance itself.

Returns: ServerBuilder

Adds an sshkey for the root user. Can be used multiple times to add more sshkeys.


Parameter Type Description
value string cloud-init userdata script.

Returns: ServerBuilder


Returns: Promise<Object>

Sends a request to Hetzners API to create the built server.

Returned object

  "server": // The newly created server instance
  "action": // Action instance for creating this server