
Type: class

The Client class is the main class for this module and exposes different endpoint classes to communicate with the Hetzner Cloud API.



Parameter Type Description
opts string or Object An API-Token or an Object (see below)

Passing an object

// These are the default values. Replace them with yours!
const client = new HetznerCloud.Client({
  // API-Token (required)
  token: null,

  // Default base URL
  baseURL: '',

  // Response timeout (5 seconds)
  timeout: 1000 * 5,

  // See "" for more info
  proxy: false



An instance of ActionsEndpoint


An instance of ServersEndpoint


An instance of FloatingIPsEndpoint


An instance of SSHKeysEndpoint


An instance of ServerTypesEndpoint


An instance of LocationsEndpoint


An instance of DatacentersEndpoint


An instance of ImagesEndpoint


An instance of ISOsEndpoint