

#list(id, params)

Parameter Type Description
id number Server id.
params Object Additional uri parameters. See official documentaion.

Returns: Promise<ServerActionList>

Returns a navigatable list of actions for the server.

#get(id, serverID)

Parameter Type Description
id number Server id.
serverID number Action id.

Returns: Promise<Action>

Returns a single Action class instance.


Parameter Type Description
id number Server id.

Returns: Promise<Action>

Power on a server.


Parameter Type Description
id number Server id.

Returns: Promise<Action>

Cuts power to the server. You may loose data by doing this.


Parameter Type Description
id number Server id.

Returns: Promise<Action>

Reboots a server gracefully by sending an ACPI request.


Parameter Type Description
id number Server id.

Returns: Promise<Action>

Same as #powerOff() but starts the server after powering off.


Parameter Type Description
id number Server id.

Returns: Promise<Action>

Shuts down a server gracefully by sending an ACPI shutdown request.


Parameter Type Description
id number Server id.

Returns: Promise<Object>

Tells the server to reset the root password.

Returned object

  "rootPassword": "ABC123",
  "action": // ... An Action instance

#enableRescue(id, [type[, sshKeys]])

Parameter Type Description
id number Server id.
type string Can be linux64, linux32 or freebsd64 (default: linux64)
sshKeys Array An array of numbers, strings or SSHKeys

Returns: Promise<Object>

Enables rescue mode.

Returned object

  "rootPassword": "ABC123",
  "action": // ... An Action instance


Parameter Type Description
id number Server id.

Returns: Promise<Action>

Disable rescue mode.

#createImage(id, [type[, description]])

Parameter Type Description
id number Server id.
type string Can be snapshot or backup
description string The description for the new image

Returns: Promise<Object>

Creates a new image.

Returned object

  "image": // ... An Image instance
  "action": // ... An Action instance

#rebuild(id, image)

Parameter Type Description
id number Server id.
image number, string or Image The image the server will be rebuilt from

Returns: Promise<Action>

Rebuild the server from an image.

#changeType(id, type[, upgradeDisk])

Parameter Type Description
id number Server id.
type number, string or ServerType ID, name or ServerType the server should migrate to
upgradeDisk boolean Does not upgrade the disk if false

Returns: Promise<Action>

Changes the server type.

#enableBackup(id, [backupWindow])

Parameter Type Description
id number Server id.
backupWindow string UTC time window: 22-02, 02-06, 06-10, 10-14, 14-18 or 18-22

Returns: Promise<Action>

Enables backups for this server.


Parameter Type Description
id number Server id.

Returns: Promise<Action>

Disables backups for this server.

#attachISO(id, iso)

Parameter Type Description
id number Server id.
iso number, string or ISO ISO to be attached to the server

Returns: Promise<Action>

Attaches an ISO.


Parameter Type Description
id number Server id.

Returns: Promise<Action>

Detach any attached ISO.

#changeProtection(id, data)

Parameter Type Description
id number Server id.
data Object See below.

Returns: Promise<Action>

Data object

    "delete": // If true, prevents the server from being deleted
    "rebuild": // If true, prevents the server from being rebuilt


Parameter Type Description
id number Server id.

Returns: Promise<Object>

Requests access to the console via VNC.

Returned object

  wssUrl: "wss://...", // Secure websocket URL
  password: "...", // VNC password
  action: // An instance of Action